
Philosophical Pirate Chat. No Questions.

Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Underused Phrases in Conversation

The problem with the world is that it's more boring than a movie. So, what I think more people should do is bring the movies into reality (Note: the names used in examples do not represent actual people and all events are fictional).

The next time a stunning revelation occurs in a conversation, interject a timely "dun dun DUN!"
Monica: "Stan, is that a new tie?"
Stan: "No, I borrowed it from Charlie."
You: "dun dun DUN!!!!!!!"

Any time you hear about potential problems or obstacles in an action or anything in general, throw in a "the plot thickens!"
Charlie: "Let's leave at 5 o'clock."
Sarah: "But if we leave that late we'll hit traffic!"
You: "The plot thickens!!!"

Anytime you hear someone bragging about some sort of ingenious or smart something they did, throw in an exclamation like "Dastardly!"
George: "I found it's easier to eat soup with a spoon than with a fork."
You: "Dastardly!!!"

Anytime you are introduced to a new person by a friend, whisper loudly to the friend "So that's who the evil mastermind is!"
Stan: "Hey, , meet Tina."
You: "Pssst, so that's who the evil mastermind is!"

Anytime you have to go to the bathroom, grab food at a BBQ, or leave the conversation, let a friend know and have him remember everything so he can fill you in when you get back.
George: "And then we're going to the Home Depot, maybe Bed Bath & Beyond..."
Stan: "Are you going to have enough time?"
You: "Hey, Stan, I gotta piss. I'll be right back, let me know what happens."

[new addition]
Anytime in a conversation where the mood becomes somber, or something is said that is absolutely not supposed to be celebrated, give a nice, high-pitched rockstar shout.
Charlie: "I got this month's report, we've got to fire 4,500 experienced employees."
You: "YOW!"

With even this limited list of ideas, any/every conversation can be brightened up!


  • At 3:54 PM, Blogger Chaka said…

    Myself, I'm a fan of dropping into conversation the "Stage Passed" song from Final Fantasy.

    Jim: I just got my quiz back: 10 out of 10.
    Me: DA da-da da da DA-da da

    I have never played Final Fantasy, just so you know. But some roommates...

  • At 3:55 PM, Blogger Chaka said…

    By the way, thanks for linking to my blog, Brandon. I'll put up a sidebar link to Gondor Needs No King when Boromir puts up some content.

  • At 4:16 PM, Blogger PopStar said…

    what about the pirate lingo in everday conversations.

  • At 7:17 PM, Blogger Chaka said…

    Avast there! Why are you bringing up earlye-er posts?

  • At 9:50 PM, Blogger Pirate Jimmy said…

    To quote the subtitle: "No questions."

  • At 3:20 PM, Blogger PopStar said…

    i don't know, i thought that was just how brandon talkes all the time these days .


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