As everyone here should know, I am in favor of the 2nd ammendment. I am also in favor of more strict punishments for perpetrators of gun crimes (i.e. armed robbery should be intent to kill and life imprisonment, possibly coupled with floggings). But anyway, I am getting closer and closer to the point where I actually purchase myself a firearm. Here is a list of potential firearms I'd like to own:
Springfield Armory Springfield-XD (.40)
Springfield Armory GI .45 (colt 1911 .45 variation)
Ruger P944 (.40)
Sigarms SigSauer P229 (.40)
Sigarms SigSauer P220 (.45)
Smith and Wesson Model SW40GVE (.40)
CZ 75 (.40)
Short Magazine Lee Enfield No. 1 Mk III (.303)
Samozaryadnyi Karabin sistemi Simonova SKS (7.62x39)
Springfield Armory Springfield-XD (.40)
Springfield Armory GI .45 (colt 1911 .45 variation)
Ruger P944 (.40)
Sigarms SigSauer P229 (.40)
Sigarms SigSauer P220 (.45)
Smith and Wesson Model SW40GVE (.40)
CZ 75 (.40)
Short Magazine Lee Enfield No. 1 Mk III (.303)
Samozaryadnyi Karabin sistemi Simonova SKS (7.62x39)
At 8:51 PM,
Pirate Jimmy said…
I was expecting to at least generate outbursts or something.
At 5:02 PM,
PopStar said…
boom ?
At 3:45 PM,
PopStar said…
i'm not sure your readers care so much about guns yoU may have thought. plus, we rarely take your threats on our lives seriously.
At 11:10 PM,
Pirate Jimmy said…
Sometimes I'm thinking I'm better off without a gun, and other times I want one.
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