Chaka, I noticed that you still don't have a picture for a certain website. So I went ahead and made you one, hope you like it!
(right-click and "Save Picture As...")
(right-click and "Save Picture As...")
Philosophical Pirate Chat. No Questions.
At 8:57 AM, PopStar said…
can i save the picture too ?!
At 8:59 AM, Pirate Jimmy said…
Save it, print it, and put it in your wallet!
At 11:08 AM, PopStar said…
done. and done.
At 8:56 AM, Chaka said…
I don't quite know what to say.
At 8:21 PM, PopStar said…
just say yoU love it - cause we know yoU do
At 2:39 PM, Chaka said…
I'm trying to think--has Brandon seen a picture of me recently that he knows I haven't had a haircut/trim in a while? Or is he intuiting that from my icon?
At 3:48 PM, PopStar said…
i think he's 'intuiting' that from your brilliance
At 5:34 PM, Pirate Jimmy said…
I just know that facial hair rocks socks off.
At 5:41 PM, Special K said…
Yeah? Well facial hair was also once blamed for the rampant spread of tuberculosis, so I'd take care of that mane for the safety of all!
At 6:42 PM, PopStar said…
brandon, we may need to get yoU some professional help ... or a woman.
At 3:30 PM, Pirate Jimmy said…
How about a professional woman?
At 6:00 PM, PopStar said…
i'll see what i can do
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