
Philosophical Pirate Chat. No Questions.

Friday, December 12, 2008

It's tough to separate 30 movies from the crowd, but I think I've got at least a semi-decent list. Passable, per se. Here's some quotes:

01) "Get in there you big, furry, oaf! I don't care WHAT you smell!"
02) "It's not the years hun, it's the milage"
03) "In this world; a man, himself, is nothing. And there ain't no world but this one."
04) "Luck, often enough, will save a man, if his courage holds."
05) "Eating people alive? Where's that get fun?"
06) "Shut the fuck up, Donny!"
07) Person A: "Who's in charge here, Soldier?" Person B: "Ain't you?"
08) "Make no mistake, it's not revenge he's after. It's a reckoning."
09) "We're not here to do the decent thing, we're here to follow fucking orders!"
10) "If any of you sons of bitches calls me grandpa, I'll kill you"
11) "Mmm-mmmm. That is a tasty burger."
12) "Whoa!"
13) "Introduce a little anarchy. Upset the established order, and everything becomes chaos."
14) "Do you not know that in the service, one must always choose the lesser of two weevils?"
15) "Repent the end is extremely fucking nigh" (not actually vocalized, just written on a wall).
16) "I put it all on lucky Dan; half a million dollars to win."
17) "So you're telling me it was one guy with six guns, and he was a senior frigging citizen?"
18) "Cleric, I can only hope one day to be as uncompromising as you."
19) "I'm sorry, Bruce. These boys get that syrup in 'em, they get all antsy in their pantsy."
20) "It's only after we've lost everything that we're free to do anything."
21) "The gods envy US. They envy us because we're mortal, because any moment might be our last."
22) "Hey Slick, you see that shit coming outta their ears? They can't fucking hear you. Now cool it!"
23) "Your mother was a hamster and your father smelt of elderberries!"
24) "Do you know what 'nemesis' means? A righteous infliction of retribution manifested by an appropriate agent."
25) "He's no one. A distant cousin of my aunt's nephew twice removed. Lovely singing voice, though ... (eunuch)."
26) "I knew a man once who said, 'Death smiles at us all. All a man can do is smile back.'"
27) "Operation Dinner Out is a go. Repeat, Operation Dinner Out is a go."
28) "Just because you play a tough guy, doesn't mean you are one you lace-curtain, Irish fucking pussy!"
29) "To trudge: the slow, weary, depressing yet determined walk of a man who has nothing left in life except the impulse to simply soldier on."
30) "Is it secret? Is it safe?"

Good luck :-)