
Philosophical Pirate Chat. No Questions.

Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Reading is good

So you probably wouldn't have guessed, but I'm currently reading the daunting, unabridged, Les Miserables by Victor Hugo. This book is quite possibly the best writing I have ever seen, albeit translated from French so not the true experience, but still it's really good in English as well. Anyway, I came across a passage that was unique and fulfilling enough to post here:

"Nowhere can the mind's eye find anything more dazzling or more obscure than in man; it can focus on nothing more awe-inspiring, more complex, more mysterious, or more infinite. There is one spectacle greater than the sea: That is the sky; there is one spectacle greater than the sky: That is the interior of the soul."

There is more verbal goodness that follows, but too much to contain in one page, not to mention belittle on a website.


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